Golf Rates
Golf at The Track Golf Course is fun, casual and unpretentious. We are located 20 minutes east of Calgary in the hamlet of Langdon. Our purpose is to provide our customers with value and innovative golf experiences.
Dress code? Nope. We welcome jeans, t-shirts, cutoffs, plus fours, tuxedos, or anything in between. If you look like Payne Stewart or Larry the Cable Guy, we don’t give a BLIP.
Golfers of all ages and ability levels welcome.
Are you ready to #golfthetrack?

Monday - Thursday Friday - Sunday & Holidays
$45 $57
$27 $34
$29 $39
$16 $27
18 Holes
9 Holes
(18 or 9 Holes)
​20% Off for individuals aged 60 years of age or older on weekdays (Monday - Friday), excluding holidays. Prices do not include GST or power cart rental.
*Twilight start time adjusts based on sunset
Power Cart, Pull Cart
and Driving Range
1/2 Cart, 18 Holes $22
​1/2 Cart, 9 Holes $15
Twilight $18
Pull Cart $7
Large Bucket of Balls $12
Medium Bucker of Balls $9
​Small Bucket of Balls $7

Questions? Call our Pro Shop at 403-936-3644